The Gwinnett County Public Schools gifted education program serves students by providing academic challenges for those who are intellectually advanced. Peachtree Ridge offers gifted classes in Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Directed Studies, and the Quest Internship Program. Students who have been tested and have met eligibility criteria in elementary, middle or high school in Gwinnett County or in another Georgia school system are eligible to take gifted classes at PRHS.
A student may be referred by a teacher, a counselor, or a parent for gifted testing. When a student is referred, he/she is placed in the referral process by submitting a portfolio to the Referral Committee. The next step is an official referral to be tested. Georgia Department of Education eligibility standards requires that a student meets the criteria in three of four areas: mental ability, achievement, creativity, and motivation. A number of assessment instruments are used in this process.