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Welcome to Peachtree Ridge!


PRHS will be the standard of excellence as a
learning community, committed to effective
instruction that prepares students for success in a
dynamic global environment

Front of School looking down the bus lane.
Welcome to Peachtree Ridge!


The mission of PRHS is to build a community of
learners through engaging, relevant, challenging
instruction that fosters collaboration and a respect
for diversity.

Our Blueprint In Action

In Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS), Our Blueprint for the Future guides the work of our learning communities.

Our Blueprint in Action highlights our cluster's schools, notable events, community insights, achievements, community service projects, student organizations, volunteer efforts, and much more.

Upcoming Events

Peachtree Ridge High School, 1555 Old Peachtree Rd NW, Suwanee, GA 30024, USA
all day

News & Announcements